Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Time Away

Update time!  Because I've been away for so long (yeah... about 18 months... holy crap) I decide I needed a post for compacted version for what happened all this time.  I will revisit some moments in specific posts, but these are the biggies.

First order of business: I graduated Cortiva Institute in March 2010! Not only did I graduate, I did it with a 4.0 GPA and (drum roll please) academic valedictorian!  In a humongous class I might add, final size: 26 graduates.  Here's my diploma and certificate.

(Yes, seriously getto photoshop, but whatevs)
I soooooo proud!

Upon graduation, I immediately got a job at a chiropractor's office.  I was hired with the label "massage therapist", but my duties were seriously skewed to "chiropractor's assistant" and "paperwork slave".  In the 2 months I was there, I think I gave about a half dozen massages.  Not good.  Not good at all.  I stayed there for a bit, but let's just say it did not end well.  *in Forrest Gump voice* And that's all I have to say about that.  Actually, it's not.  I have a lot to say about that situation and I think it's an important one for therapists to hear, especially those who are graduating and looking for any job they can.  But that's for another time.

Luckily, despite the economy being in the toilet, there were still job opportunities and I found a new job within a few days.  I actually found 2 jobs, one at a spa in a health center/gym and one in a chain spa.  I know, I know... I absolutely hate those chain massage spas *cough Massage Envy cough*  But I needed a job and the health center one wouldn't give me enough.
Both jobs were paid by commission, so there was never a guarantee of income. *grumble grumble*  My boss at the chain spa is very much a hippie, so even though it's a corporate setting, it definitely feels unique.  Even the clients say it has a better vibe than any other spa.  Plus, most of the therapists I work with are... well... awesomely cool.  Most of the clients are as well, but there are definitely story-worthy ones.  Unfortunately, within a few months, another spa bought the health club spa and cut all of us loose, so there went another job.  But lady luck was with me, because I got a few more shifts at my other spa job and so I did not need another job.

Also, I passed my national certification test, which is important for a few reasons.  It allows me to work in other states, as long as I have all the other qualifications the state requires.  Yeah, even passing a national test doesn't mean you can work nationally... what's up with that?!  But it does give me lots of street cred cause the test was pretty hard.  And it's good for 4 years, so yay.  Also... I get to add a few letters after my name, which always looks better.

More important stuff... My dear husband and I bought a house last summer!  It's a 2 story colonial on 2.8 acres.  Lots and lots of land, which is exactly what I wanted.  I grew up on a farm, so I'm used to fresh air and no neighbors.  And husband enjoys mowing, so it's a perfect arrangement.  The house itself is definitely a fixer-upper, but we're slowly making headway.  Every project brings it closer to feeling like a home.

Additional note: Please go check out my sister's blog.  Her daughter (my niece) was born during my time away and was born with some medial issues, all of which she is able to explain much better than I ever could.  My sister has also become quite an amazing photographer (if you are in the Boston area, hire her!).  So go check her out, it's called Very Outside the Box.  She also has quite the sense of humor... must get it from me.  :D

So those are the biggies.  There are little things here and there, but for the most part, those are the major changes in my career/life.

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